DAISY INVESTITURE Opening: Presentation of troop banner- (if you have one, Around here the girls make the banners to use in parades. On it states Daisy Troop #, and town. The girls decorate it as they please with daisies or handprints or whatever. It is made from a large piece of material with a dowel running through it length wise. 2 or more girls can then carry it, have the girls parade in behind the color guard. Pledge of Allegiance Song: Hello, Hello Introduction to Girl Scouting: (read by one of the leaders) Daisy Girl Scouts are named after the founder of Girl Scouting, Juliette Gordon Low - known by her nickname of "Daisy" to her family and friends. She brought Girl Scouting to the United States from England, holding her first meeting at her home in 1912. Shortly after, the name was changed from Girl Guides, as it was originally called in England, to Girl Scouts. Juliette Low's life is a model for Girl Scouts, Girl Guides, and people everywhere who want to work actively to make the world a better, friendlier and a more peaceful place. Through the Girl Scout program, which is a world-wide organization, girls and adults have great opportunities to understand themselves and others, to develop skills, values and ethics, and to extend and contribute their special gifts and talents. Foundation of Girl Scouting: (said by another leader) The members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America are united by a belief in God acceptance of the Girl Scout Promise and Law - which the girls will now recite for you. On my honor, I will try To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. The Law states: A leader states each law as the girls take turns placing daisy petals in a Styrofoam ball that was painted yellow. The ball has a slender dowel in it that represents a stem. The other end of the dowel is secured in a coffee can. The lid of the can is on and has a hole for the dowel in the center. In side the can at the bottom should be another piece of Styrofoam to stick the dowel in. This helps to keep the dowel from moving around. This can also be done as a candle lighting ceremony with the girls using flashlights decorated with construction paper to look like candles. I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every other Girl Scout. Investiture continued- Explanation and demonstration of handshake: (said by a leader) I would like to briefly mention the Girl Scout sign which you may have noticed being displayed by the troop while they were reciting the Promise. Each finger stands for one part of the Promise. She makes the sign whenever she says the Promise and when she gives the Girl Scout handshake. The Girl Scout sign is always made with the right hand, leaving the left hand free to shake with. Girls ....( the girls turn to each other in pairs and gives the G.S. handshake) Song: Make New Friends Girl Scout Goals: (said by a leader) The goals of the Girl Scout program can be stated in four (4) program emphases which sum up the ways each girl can grow through her Girl Scouting experience. The four emphases are: 1. Deepening self awareness 2. Relating to others 3. Developing values 4. Contributing to the betterment of society During refreshments we invite you to observe our program chart which will give you an overview of what we have been able to accomplish in the past few weeks and how our activities relate to our goals. (we made a larger copy of the program emphases chart, found in the Leaders Guide, on oak tag. Then we made miniature pictures representing the things we have done and placed them where they would apply in each of the circles. Ex: 3 small candles in the center representing the candle light ceremony (promise & law). Small musical notes representing signing songs, a ball represents games, pictures of crafts that were done. Many times an activity will fit into more than one goal so place a miniature item into each goal it will fit. This is a great educational tool to use.) Pinning Ceremony: (said by a leader) The girls have each been working very hard in preparing to become a Daisy Scout. Tonight we have the privilege of pinning them with their Daisy membership pin, and presenting them with their beginning certificates. (give them a piece of rolled up white paper tied with blue string and explain that the real one will be put in their scrap book, If you give them the real one it will must likely get crumpled up). Please be patient as we call each girl individually. Song: We Are Daisy Girl Scouts Refreshments Closing Ceremony: poem: What She Brought Home (read by a leader) Wishing Circle/Friendship Circle - girls stand in a circle and hold hands, each girl makes a wish and squeezes the hand of the girl next to her and puts out her foot - this continues till the circle is complete. Taps WHAT SHE BROUGHT HOME FROM GIRL SCOUTS TODAY Perhaps when she came home today You asked, "What did you do at Scouts?" When she replied, "Nothing but play" You were filled with doubts! The weeks went by, You asked again Still she had no craft to show Then you began to wonder, Why didn't they glue or sew?! For after all, it's dues each week And driving here and there, The uniform, permission slips And cookie sales to share Ah ... but she brought home much better things That no glue or craft could make If only to lend a helping hand When needed for someone's sake. It's the caring, sharing, learning, growing The Golden Rule is our thumb For she'll be the one with the helping hand In the future years to come! You see, although we think of Girl Scouts now It really isn't today! It's the Girl Scouts for tomorrow And to help them explore a new way. So when she comes home the next time, please You.can rest with a brand new start For the craft that she's brought home today Is molded in her heart! This is just an example of an Investiture. You will find other examples in the G.S. Ceremony book which should be available at your Service Center. The girls may act out the story of Juliette Low while the leaders read the story. Ex: Juliette loved horses and a girl comes out carrying a horse figure, picture or otherwise. She was born on Halloween, and a another girl come out with a pumpkin. You may copy word for word, pick and choose or start from scratch. Remember the girls are to help in the planning. One of the easiest ways is by yes and no questions. Explain what an Investiture is. Ask: Would you like to invite your families? Would you like to sing songs? How about singing ___________. Would you like me to tell the story of Juliette Low? Would you like to have Juice and cookies for refreshments? How about coffee for the adults? Most of the time they will say yes, if they say no then don't do it. If they come up with something else and it is possible to do, then do it. Remember to have FUN. Hope this helps.